A 100 Bloggers blog carnival post
I am not very keen on predictions. I feel rather like Leonardo Da Vinci, who felt time was an slippery substance and wrote that
The water you touch in a river is the last of that which has passed, and the first of that which is coming. Thus it is with time present.
I know this can sound a bit strange for I usually write about business and it seems like most things in business should be planned or have a clear purpose. Yesterday, I had a business lunch with some colleagues and I felt surprised for their trust in dominating the future events. I´d like to offer a bit different vision of things. In my vision one of the things you should do to make your business better is to increase chaos.
Certainly, predictions should be the product of a technique or to be more poetic, of an art. This art has always been called divination. Divination was a common practice in the most developed civilizations. For the romans, it had a divine consideration. It was the grasping of the divine will that gave divination its name.
Among the greeks it was more related to madness. With states of disharmonies in the soul. In our modern lifes we still feel unbalanced and a bit possesed by events and things.
But if predictions keep a similarity with something, it is with dream interpretations. In ancient times it was commonly held that dreams communicated a message about future events and dream interpretation was similar to future decoding.
As we are living in the economy of dreams, our souls are frequently unbalanced and we would like some kind of divine pressence in our souls, prediction and divination apparently still keep some common points.
Every predictive action should follow its own methodology. How am I going to predict if I don´t know where to start from. Searching for help in classic texts I have found a powerful reference on Aristotle´s Rhetoric. This is what the philosopher tells us:
Necessarily, people do everything they do for seven causes: Through chance, through nature, through compulsion, through habit, through reason, through anger, through longing.
So this is the method I´m going to use to make my predictions. I´d like you to follow me in this and write your own expectations. I also recommend you to use it in your business. We usually try to plan through reason and sometimes don´t integrate the other elements in our models and plans. Just try it.
Chance........... I expect to meet new friends and find a wonderful new book.
Nature............ I predict the avian flu will awaken our fears (It´s in Turkey, close to Europe)
Compulsion....... I predict some distressic states I will live from the huge amount of things to do this year. I am afraid they can collide occassionally.
Habit.............. I imagine I will visit France again.
Reason............ I will publish two more books in 2006.
Anger.............. I expect I could feel angry with some comments coming from bureaucrats.
Longing............ If I meet a girl with shining eyes I could feel fever for her.
This is my contribution.
Now it´s you and your life.
Do it!