I've just finished watching François Truffaut's Stolen kisses. I've enjoyed it so much that I can't help writing something on it. It is a trait of any genius to make things simple, but extremely meaningful. And that is what Stolen kisses offers. It is perfect in showing love and the joy of life. Thanks Truffaut for rendering this pure stream of bliss.
On the other side, I watched The magnificent Ambersons for the first time last weekend. Though I love Citizen Kane and Fake, The Ambersons saga seemed to me too pathetic, dark and claustrophobic. Of course, one could argue that is what Welles intended. Still the story reminds me too much one of a person I know and perhaps that contributed to the feeling of deception.
Truffaut and Welles, simplicity and complexity, two completely different styles. I was a Welles maniac years ago. Now I prefer Truffaut's serenity. Am I aging or something?