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Frank J. Foti

In terms of your body and how it feels: it's aging. This company has the market cornered:
http://www.makelifegreat.myarbonne.com. That's probably why they have grown 2000% in four years. 26 Years of research and formulation is now paying off.


Felix Gerena

Hi Frank. Thanks for your reference. As you say, I see myself as achieving a sense of maturity.

Steve Sherlock

Felix, this is good. You have centered on yourself and are working out from there (no pun intended). It is good to have you back. I hope you enjoy your vacation time!


Felix, its good to see that you are reframing your mind and body. This is extactly what "re-imagine" is all about. take time to care about yourself- in mind, body and soul. The "spirit" twirls around these elements and if you care about yourself, you will find yourself a healthy and wiser person !!

I like the Yoga part.. I still do my tai chi at least 1 hr' per week !! :)-

Btw, con'grats on the 3 amigo's- I'll need to order that one for sure !!

Felix Gerena

Tai Ji is another possibility.

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