Vladimir Sitta is a Czechian who lives and works in Australia since 1991. He is a garden designer. His designs have a melancholic touch, a very special atmosphere that always induces to think.
You can see some of his works here.
But what amazes me most about Sitta is his creative process. He designs all his gardens with a pen and black ink. It reminds the working style of two other creativity geniuses, Fuselli, the outstanding drawer, and Alfred Hitchcock, who used to draw all the scenes of his films.
I find it fascinating to keep such a narrow distance from imagination to the creation. There´s almost no intermediate space. There are few jobs now that can be so directly linked with the creative drive of the person. We are too mediated by computer programs and design software.
Sitta recovers the pleasure of inspired work. Of intuition. Of directness. Magic Sitta.
Dear Brand,
One of my students in the Czech Republic found the info about my doodles. Its so kind, could I send you some prints?
Just give me your postal address.
Regards Vladimir Sitta
Posted by: Vladimir Sitta | November 30, 2007 at 12:09 AM
Lieber Herr Brand, können Sie mir zu der E-Mail-Adresse von Herrn Sitta verhelfen?? Oder vielleicht meine an ihn weitergeben???Ich bin in der Tschechischen Republik geboren und stamme aus einer Gärtnerfamilie. Seitdem ich den Film über die Gärten in Sydney gesehen habe, versuche ich die Anschrift von Vladimir Sitta zu bekommen. Leider bin ich erst jetzt auf Google gekommen. Ich habe meinen Namen eingegeben, dann meinen Mädchennamen und dann eben, Vladimir Sitta. Es hat mich ganz schön umgehauen, was unter diesen Namen so zu finden ist. Ich würde mich freuen, wenn Sie mir helfen könnten. Viele Grüße Eva Brockmann geb. Sitta
Posted by: Eva Brockmann geb. Sitta | October 29, 2008 at 01:05 AM
A 15 Randle Street, Surry Hills NSW 2010, Australia
P +61 2 9211 6060
F +61 2 9211 6057
Posted by: Beate Kik | December 10, 2009 at 04:32 PM
If you wish to be the best man, you must suffer the bitterest of the bitter.
Posted by: Belstaff Outlets UK | November 26, 2011 at 05:10 PM